I arrived in LA last night at 9:38pm. This was three minutes later than my GPS estimated I would. What a piece of crap. It was a long drive. Very long. 1100 miles or so, actually. There is a piece of road in the south of Oregon where you’ve got a 7% vertical grade downhill, windy road signs, and I’m not making this up – LED signs that measure your speed and inform you that unless you drop your speed significantly, you will almost certainly flip over and fall to your doom. I drove this particular stretch of highway at roughly 3am on Monday in a torrential downpour with near zero visibility. In a porsche, it would have been awesome, in a U-Haul, not so much. Having a U-Haul, however, did get me one of the <a href=”http://nicholasbernstein.com/shotgun.amr”>best voicemail messages I’ve ever had</a>. It’s in a weird format, but you should be able to open it with quicktime.